Call for Audio Notes: Analysis of the Kampala Convention

Call for Audio Notes: Analysis of the Kampala Convention
GENIDA is excited to announce a call for audio notes! Contribute to our audiomentary by sharing insights on one or two provisions of the Kampala Convention and how they relate to your home country. Each note should be no longer than 10 minutes and will be featured on our website and social media pages. Submit your audio note and a 300-word profile by 30 August 2024 to Join us in shedding light on the important provisions of the Kampala Convention.

Forced migration and displacement in Africa: contexts, causes and consequences

By Kevin M. DeJesus The impetus for this special issue is the continuing need to identify, deconstruct, situate, analyze and re-situate the regional, national and internecine conflicts which drive the forced migration of citizens of the continent, and their impacts on the lived experiences of those Africans forced to flee their homes. The contributors to … Read more